Looking at the world and life...swordasearching
What's it all about?
Published on October 6, 2004 By sworda In Welcome
As I'm drawing nearer to the end of my life, that age-old question just pops up everywhere...WTF????
on Oct 07, 2004
WTF is up with a carreer change at this stage in my life??? I don't want to manage anyone but myself...I don't want to worry about late or absent employees...tardy deliveries...clueless consumers... budget constraints...lying, thieving co-managers...I just want to be a worker!! Why is that so hard to do?

WTF is up with the confederate flag still flying??? You lost...move on!

WTF is up with this prejudice thing in the US??? Judge a person on the color of their skin, the size of their breasts, the size of their bankroll, their height or lack thereof, their country of origin, their spoken language and/or accent, the redness of their neck, their weight, their education or lack thereof, their home address???? ...sheesh, this list is endless and for no legitimate reason!

Geez...I guess I'm just plain pissy today:)